Candace Ott
Below is a poem I wrote back in college. (for those that don't know the definition of apathy, it is: ap·a·thy (āp'ə-thē) "Lack of emotion or feeling; impassiveness").


I'm Happy, I'm Sad 
I'm Anxious, I'm Mad 

I'm Awake, I'm Tired 
I'm Asleep, I'm Wired 

I'm Certain, I'm Confused 
I'm Bored, I'm Amused 

I'm Strong, I'm Weak 
I'm Loud, I'm Meek 

I'm Brave, I'm Shy 
I Laugh, I Cry 

I Question, I Forgive 
I'll Stumble, I'll Live 

So many thoughts going through my head... 
this poem would be shorter, if I were Apathetic instead. 
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