written by Bill Gothard.
according to 1 Corinthians 13:4-8
1. Love Suffereth Long - It is slow to lose patience
-Doesn't demonstrate irritations, or reflect anger, or have a quick temper. Has fully accepted the character of the one being dated.
2. It Is Kind - It looks for a way of being constructive
-It is actively creative. It is able to recognize needs. It discovers successful methods of improving or contributing to the other's life.
3. It Envieth Not - It is not possessive
- It does not hold exclusive control where one is allowed little or no freedom to fulfill himself, or herself, apart from the one dating him, or her.
4. It Vaunteth Not Itself - It is not anxious to impress
- Doesn't seek to make an impression or create an image for personal gain.
5. It Is Not Puffed Up - It does not cherish inflated ideas of its own importance
- It is not self-centered. It has the ability to change and to accept change. It is flexible. It doesn't allow or expect life to revolve around itself.
6. It Does Not Behave Itself Unseemingly - It has good manners
- Has respect for others which results in a set of Christ-centered standards. Has discretion. Knows what is proper and when.
7. It Does Not Seek Its Own - It does not pursue selfish advantage
- Does not have primary concern for personal sexual appetites or social status but concern for the needs of the one being dated and the families involved.
8. It Is Not Easily Provoked - It is not touchy
- Is not hypersensitive or easily hurt. Does not take things too personally. Is not emotionally involved with personal opinions so that to reject ideas is to reject the one giving them.
9. It Thinketh No Evil - It does not keep account of evil
- Doesn't review wrongs which have been forgiven. Doesn't dwell on past evil. Destroys evidence of past mistakes when possible.
10. It Rejoiceth Not In Iniquity - It doesn't gloat over the wickedness of other people
- Doesn't compare self with others for self-justification. Doesn't use other's evil to excuse personal weakness. Doesn't say, "Everyone is doing it."
11. It Rejoiceth In The Truth - It is glad with all godly men & women when truth prevails
- Is in active fellowship with dedicated Christians. It occupied with spiritual objectives.
12. It Beareth All Things - It knows no limit to its forbearance
- Has the ability to live with the inconsistencies of others. Has empathy for the problems of others.
13. It Believeth All Things - It knows no end to its trust
- It believes in the person and the person's worth without question. It has no reason to doubt the person's integrity.
14. It Hopeth All Things - It knows no fading of its hope
- It is not fickle. It has perfect peace and confidence that God is primarily responsible for introducing the right partner at the right time.
15. It Endureth All Things - It has unlimited endurance
- It is able to outlast anything. It is able to endure all obstacles and even love in the face of unreturned love.
according to 1 Corinthians 13:4-8
1. Love Suffereth Long - It is slow to lose patience
-Doesn't demonstrate irritations, or reflect anger, or have a quick temper. Has fully accepted the character of the one being dated.
2. It Is Kind - It looks for a way of being constructive
-It is actively creative. It is able to recognize needs. It discovers successful methods of improving or contributing to the other's life.
3. It Envieth Not - It is not possessive
- It does not hold exclusive control where one is allowed little or no freedom to fulfill himself, or herself, apart from the one dating him, or her.
4. It Vaunteth Not Itself - It is not anxious to impress
- Doesn't seek to make an impression or create an image for personal gain.
5. It Is Not Puffed Up - It does not cherish inflated ideas of its own importance
- It is not self-centered. It has the ability to change and to accept change. It is flexible. It doesn't allow or expect life to revolve around itself.
6. It Does Not Behave Itself Unseemingly - It has good manners
- Has respect for others which results in a set of Christ-centered standards. Has discretion. Knows what is proper and when.
7. It Does Not Seek Its Own - It does not pursue selfish advantage
- Does not have primary concern for personal sexual appetites or social status but concern for the needs of the one being dated and the families involved.
8. It Is Not Easily Provoked - It is not touchy
- Is not hypersensitive or easily hurt. Does not take things too personally. Is not emotionally involved with personal opinions so that to reject ideas is to reject the one giving them.
9. It Thinketh No Evil - It does not keep account of evil
- Doesn't review wrongs which have been forgiven. Doesn't dwell on past evil. Destroys evidence of past mistakes when possible.
10. It Rejoiceth Not In Iniquity - It doesn't gloat over the wickedness of other people
- Doesn't compare self with others for self-justification. Doesn't use other's evil to excuse personal weakness. Doesn't say, "Everyone is doing it."
11. It Rejoiceth In The Truth - It is glad with all godly men & women when truth prevails
- Is in active fellowship with dedicated Christians. It occupied with spiritual objectives.
12. It Beareth All Things - It knows no limit to its forbearance
- Has the ability to live with the inconsistencies of others. Has empathy for the problems of others.
13. It Believeth All Things - It knows no end to its trust
- It believes in the person and the person's worth without question. It has no reason to doubt the person's integrity.
14. It Hopeth All Things - It knows no fading of its hope
- It is not fickle. It has perfect peace and confidence that God is primarily responsible for introducing the right partner at the right time.
15. It Endureth All Things - It has unlimited endurance
- It is able to outlast anything. It is able to endure all obstacles and even love in the face of unreturned love.
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